The technology of Maglev trains

I’m a big fan of traveling by trains, and it always pains me how impractical it is in most parts of the world, even in places where they would make economic and environmental sense. Europe has been getting better at this, with excellent high-speed rail connections from Amsterdam to Paris for …

Why is online dating terrible?

It’s not exactly controversial to say that online dating is awful, at least for those seeking heterosexual relationships. It sucks very differently for men and women though, and from what I hear it can actually be pretty good for homosexual relationships. (Especially for gay men, I think? I …

It's turtles all the way down: from high-level programming to CPU microcode

It’s turtles all the way down: The following anecdote is told of William James. […] After a lecture on cosmology and the structure of the solar system, James was accosted by a little old lady. “Your theory that the sun is the centre of the solar system, and the earth is a ball …

Brought down by the font

Oh wow, now this is something: A Microsoft font may have exposed corruption in Pakistan: The Microsoft font Calibri is now a key piece of evidence in a corruption investigation surrounding Pakistan’s prime minister. Investigators noticed that documents handed over by the prime minister’s daughter, …

The Twitter-killer? Meta's new Threads app

Facebook (err, sorry, Meta) is launching their Twitter competitor today in the US in the form of a new stand-alone app called Threads. The Verge has a good summary on what is known: Instagram’s Threads: all the updates on the new Twitter competitor. I can also recommend the Hacker News thread; it …

Inside the AI factory: the human element of AIs

A fascinating deep-dive from New York Magazine and The Verge into how AI models – including ChatGPT, Bard, and other LLMs (Large Language Models) – are trained, and the industry that provides the data, control, and feedback: Inside the AI factory […] ChatGPT seems so human …

Tech Erosion: the effect of technology (and AI) on our lives

StillDrinking has a lot of great essays. He has a way with words that makes reading his articles both entertaining and illuminating at the same time – a powerful combination. Anyway, their essay on AI and ChatGPT, and how the world we have built will continue manages to be human-hostile in …